ESTA Roster
Advanced Detection Security (ADS) of Mobile, Inc.
3751 Cottage Hill Road
Mobile, AL 36609
Phone: (251) 665-4868
Cell phone: (251) 232-8470
Email: adsmcdaniel@gmail.com
Website: https://adssecurityandfire.com/
ESTA Representative: (Dan) William McDaniel
President & Owner: (Dan) William McDaniel
Titan Alarm & Fire Inc.
875 E. Covey Lane
Ste 103
Phoenix, AZ 85383
Phone: 800-973-9001
E-Mail: Mike@titanalarm.com
Website: https://titanalarm.com
ESTA Representative: Michael Proudfit, CEO
Dial Security
760 W Ventura Blvd
Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: (805) 383-2415
E-Mail: Mdundas@dialcomm.com
Website: https://www.dialcomm.com
ESTA Representative: Melissa Dundas, ESM
Tel-Tec Security Systems Inc.
5020 Lisa Marie Ct
Bakersfield, CA 93313
Phone: (661) 397-5511
Fax: (661) 834-3616
E-Mail: Owen.freeman@tel-tec.com
Website: http://www.tel-tec.com
ESTA Representative: Owen Freeman, V.P.
Owner: Morgan Clayton, President
Security Central, Inc.
67 Inverness Drive E, Unit B
Englewood, CO 80112
Main: 303-721-0111
Direct: 303-302-6077
Cell: 303-523-7979
E-Mail: Jordan@securitycentralinc.com
Website: https://securitycentralinc.com
ESTA Representative: Jordan Jackson
President: Jordan Jackson
Sentinel Fire & Security
PO Box 3368
Ketchum ID 83340
Phone: (208) 726-4788
Fax: (208) 726-4708
Email: mark@sentinelfire.com
Website: https://sentinelfire.com
ESTA representative: Mark Maguregui
Owner: J. Henry Nicolai
Security Alarm Corp.
PO Box 665
Salem, IL 62881
Phone: (618) 548-5768
Fax: (618) 548-2064
Email: josh@securityalarm.com
Website: https://www.securityalarm.com
ESTA representative: Josh Dice
Owner: Josh Dice
Action Integrated
Located at: 11605 Crossroads Circle, Suite H, Baltimore, MD 21220
Mail to: P.O. Box 43610, Baltimore, MD 21236
Phone: (410) 325-3200
Fax: (410) 325-9827
E-Mail: johnc@actionintegrated.com
Website: https://actionintegrated.com
ESTA representative: John W. Chetelat, President
Owners: John & Paula Chetelat
Butler Durrell Security, Inc.
16941 Manchester Road
Wildwood, MO 63040
Phone: (636) 458-1866
Fax: (636) 458-4192
E-Mail: john@butlerdurrellsecurity.com
ESTA representative: John Butler, President
Owner: John Butler, President
CEO: John Butler, President
Central Dispatch Inc.
104 East 11th Street
Rolla, MO 65401
Phone: (573) 341-5488
Fax: (573) 364-5324
E-Mail: cserolla@gmail.com
Website: https://www.centraldispatchinc.com
ESTA representative: Nick Barrack, President
Owner: Nick Barrack, President
General Manager: Nick Barrack, President
CFO: Nick Barrack, President
Jade Alarm Company
7636 Troost Ave
Kansas City, MO 64131
Phone: (816) 333-5233
E-Mail: jmp@jadealarm.com
Website: https://jadealarm.com
ESTA representative: Joseph Pfefer, President
Owner: Joseph Pfefer
Interstate Alarm Company
2426 River Rd.
Missoula, MT 59804
Phone: (406) 728-4546
Fax: (406) 721-3336
E-Mail: shawnh@interstatealarm.com
Website: https://www.interstatealarm.com
ESTA Representative: Shawn Harmon
Owner: Lynn McNamer
President: Shawn Harmon
New Hampshire
Pelmac Industries, Inc.
12 Commercial Ct
Auburn, NH 03032
Phone: (603) 623-5916
Fax: (603) 647-7712
Email: mpellerin@pelmac.com
Website: https://www.pelmac.com
ESTA representative: Michelle Pellerin, CEO
Owner: Michelle Pellerin
New Jersey
Tech Services Security
PO Box 775
Edison, NJ 08818
Phone: (732) 985-9300
Fax: (732) 985-9301
Emails: tonyk@techservicesnj.com
Website: https://techservicesnj.com
ESTA representative: Tony Kwiatkowski
Owners: Tony Kwiatkowski & Tom Monahan
North Carolina
Alarm South Inc.
311 Security Drive
Statesville, NC 28677
Phone: (704) 872-9857
Email: sgarrett@security-central.com
Website: https://www.alarmsouth.com
ESTA representative: Steve Garrett
Owners: Courtney Brown and Ellen Meihaus
First Security Service Inc.
4319 Western Park Place
Durham, NC 27705
Phone: (919) 383-7610
Fax: (919) 383-7362
Email: buckc@firstsecurityserviceinc.com
ESTA representative: Walter (Buck) Curtis, President
Owners: Walter (Buck) Curtis, President & Mike Hill, VP
Holmes Security Systems
407 Ray Avenue
Fayetteville NC 28301
Phone: 800-426-9388
Email: swheeler@holmeselectricsecurity.com
ESTA representative: Stephen Wheeler, President
Security Systems of America – SSA
475 Ardmore Blvd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Phone: (412) 244-4900
Fax: (412) 244-4907
E-Mail: artb@ssasecurity.com
and julieb@ssasecurity.com
Website: https://www.ssasecurity.com
ESTA Representative: Julie Beaver, CEO and Arthur L. Beaver, Jr., Founder & President
Multilink Security
5005 West Ave, Suite 900
San Antonio, TX 78213
Phone: (210) 559-6888
E-Mail: mgreen@usa-tx.com
Website: http://multilinksecurity.com
ESTA Representative: Matt Green, President
Owners: Security Associates LLC dba Multilink Security
Fleenor Security Systems
3 Morgan Court
Johnson City, TN 37604
Phone: (423) 282-3755
E-Mail: willf@fleenorsecurity.com
Website: https://fleenorsecurity.com/
Richmond Security Inc
491 Southlake Blvd
North Chesterfield, VA 23236
Phone: (804) 641-1636
E-Mail: coreyb@richmondsecurity.com
Website: https:richmondsecurity.com
Legal Counsel to ESTA
S. Bryan Lawrence III
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412-562-8800
Email: bryan.lawrence@bipc.com